Monday marked the begginning of my employment at Gannet Peak Sports. The fact that I got the job is either a testament to my outstanding resume or to my incredible luck (I'm going with the later of the two). Most of the work right now consists of bike repair, making me about as useful as a chimp unless a tire needs to be changed. After work I received a proper introduction to wyoming; we went to the middle of nowhere and shot holes in old cans...MERICANS likes R GUNS.
By another stroke of luck I managed to finagle a ride up to Ten Sleep, Wyoming Sunday morning with a recent acquaintance. The rock here is Sharp! Techy slaby faces with limited footholds is the name of the game out here. I'm 100% biased, but it sure is hell doesn't compare to southern sand stone. Being a rock snob didn't keep me from setting a project though. Kielbasa 5.12c crazy hard but I made it halfway. Vance, my ride, is about as cool as they come and climbs a good bit harder than me.
Today was spent in the search for proper housing. After checking with a couple of realtors and cruising the streets for anything with a "for rent" sign, we found a place with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths for $700 a month...then I called the realtor back and found out it had been rented out 2 days ago. Climbing, you are a fickle mistress. On a brighter note one of my co-workers has offered to let me use her shower and kitchen. I remain optimistic that I will find a place before the week is out. Otherwise it may be off to the ski resorts to find employee housing.
found this on Craigslist: